Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 15

Today is a big day. I wonder if December 15th is big for anyone else on the planet?

Eleven years ago today my life changed. On this day in 2000 I surrendered my life God.

I don't have a "salvation birthday" because for me I didn't one day decide to give my life to Christ and ask Him to save me. For me the journey to salvation took years.

But this day eleven years ago my life changed because of these things:
1) I chose to believe that God existed
2) I prayed to God for the first time
3) I cried out to God that if He is real that He would take away my pain
4) I was not successful at ending my life

Eleven years ago God made Himself known to me in a way that I could not deny. That day God reached out to me with extravagant love, wrapped me in His arms, spoke life into my heart/mind/soul/body, and saved a life that I deemed was not worth saving.

This day is a big day.

It is a hard day.

It is a beautiful day.

Today I am thankful for the gift of Salvation.

I am thankful that Jesus chose me.

I am thankful that Jesus pursued me and called me His own.

I am thankful that Salvation is mine and no one can take it away from me!

What are you thankful for today?


1 comment:

  1. Nicole,
    I am thankful for you. For your friendship, your honesty, for your amazing smile! You are such an awesome person and your ability to "listen" to what God wants you to do and obey is something that I admire and cannot really put into words. I've watched you grow soo much in your faith in being patient over the last year and it helps keep my faith alive, that even with all the struggles that are in the world that God is working through people for His purpose. You are truly an amazing person and I'm so very thankful and blessed to have you in my life <3
