Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 5

Ok, so this 31 days of thanksgiving is hard. Not hard in the sense I don't have things I'm thankful for... I have so many!!! Some are really deep and profound (rolling eyes) and some are simply things that make my heart happy.

One thing that is such a precious gift from the Lord is my love of creativity! I love, love, love to create. I love bright colors and anything do-it-yourself. Oooooo, got to love my sewing machine and hot glue gun. Just thinking about these things make my heart skip a beat.

Making gifts for others is something I treasure! When I use my hands to create I am reminded that God crafted me, He knitted me together with such love and tenderness. I am a gift and a treasure to the Lord. You are a gift and a treasure to God!

Today as Christmas is approaching I am thankful for God's gift to me - creativity!

I am thankful that I get to make special things for special people.

I am thankful for how alive my heart feels when I create.

I am thankful for last Christmas' gift from my parents - my sewing machine.

I am thankful the God created color, bright ones!

What are you thankful for? What makes your heart happy?


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