Friday, March 1, 2013

March... Madness?

No, this post is not about basketball.  In fact you will never read a post here about basketball. 

March madness.  Madness?  Possibly for the sheer fact I ran out of creative thoughts.  Or it's true.  Not sure yet.  

March has come and with it I have been beckoned to go deeper.  I feel the bite of the winter air turning into the nibbles of Spring and it has set something ablaze within me.  I am excited for what this month has in store for me... and you for that matter.

Earlier this week I wrote a ridiculously long post about this little thing called fasting and how I really want you to join me.  Did you read it?  If not go ahead and take a few minutes to do that here.  So, what do you think?  Will you join me this month in fasting on purpose for a purpose?  Will you give something up for a mere thirty-one days?  I know you can do it!

I have been really introspective lately.  I'm wanting to face the yucky parts of my heart.  I want to rip out the weeds that seem to be flourishing in my soul.  I am needing a really deep spring clean in my innerman.  

Strange as it seems, I'm craving getting this [place] cleaned and fasting screams at me that it is the only way!  Fasting makes you get real.  After a while the religiousness falls on its face.  There's not much hiding from the yuck when it's being purposely pulled out.  Fasting reveals truth, like it our not.  I don't know about you but I'm ready to be real and nothing else.

Please let that encourage you.  Please take that semi-pessimistic monologue and hold tight to the gift fasting is!!!  Yes, I said gift.

So, are you going to join me?  No, I'm serious, are you?  I want to know.

Or am I the only one who feels far from where God wants me to be and terrified of being a selfish, self indulgent, falsely independent person?  

In my previous post I invited you to join me in this affectionally labeled Fasting On Purpose March {Madness}.  I suggested SIX different fasts to engage in this month for the intention of giving something up on purpose and giving to a purpose...  
1) Rice & Beans for a month
2) Fast Food Fast
3) Beverage Fast
4) Entertainment Fast
5) Fashion & Beauty Fast
6) Time Fast

All of these require sacrifice, as does all fasting, but I promise it will be worthwhile.  I promise it won't be in vain either.  

Wondering what I am doing this month?  I'm mixing and matching and getting rid of some of my junk this way... 

My March fast consists of a modified Rice & Beans Fast, Entertainment Fast, and Time Fast.  I will be eating rice & beans for one or two meals a day (I will rotate in Quinoa and whole grain pasta).  I am combining a few things together to focus on spending large amounts of time each day dedicated to Prayer.  A big part of my prayer focus will be on praying for God to send laborers to the unreached people groups around the world and praying for those unreached people groups.  

My fast is geared towards tilling my heart's garden and ripping out the weeds of finding comfort in food and entertainment above God. Allowing the revealing of my weaknesses and how I need to depend solely on God for my comfort, my strength and my entertainment.  And to engage with God in the calling He has placed on my life (missions) and ask Him to call more people so that He may be known to every tribe, nation, people and tongue.

Join me!  I double dog dare you ;)


(Comment on this post with what Fast you are doing)      

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