Don't freak - I'm not talking about all of my personal information. But there are days that I feel like my Identity has been ripped off. We live in a society (America) that puts a whole big stinking bunch of worth into a screwed up version of identity.
As women we identity ourselves by weight, length of hair, cup size, number and size of diamonds on fingers, perfect makeup, the right clothes, number of shoes, purses and what's in them, job title, marital status, children, cooking ability, amount facebook friends... I could go on and on.
I feel sick. Violated. Ripped off. Like someone just stole my identity.
As men, well I am not one so this is what I see, society says their identity is in their height, social status, job, hotness of the girl on their arm, car(s), housing, their size, how much money they make, being in shape, clothes they wear...
I feel sick. Violated. Ripped off. Like someone just stole my hope.
I confess I have done a fantastic job of comparing myself. I'm a pro at comparing. Then I've always marched to a different beat. And when your beat is different it often leads to different parades to march in. And also leads to other identity failures.
For a long time I have found my identity in the way I dress, the ever changing color of my hair, the height of my shoes, number of piercings, amount colorful ink on my body, my job, living space, being responsible, being a college drop out, proving people wrong...
Notice I didn't say I used to find my identity because most days I still do.
Then I became a missionary. I willingly choose to say yes to a job that would forever shake what I thought was my identity. I discovered my true identity has been stolen from me. I've learned quickly if I try to find my identity in being a missionary (and the above mentioned), well I will be sorely disappointed.
Satan in his crafty schemes makes it really appealing to find our identity in things, actions, and duties. All of which can be stolen at the drop of a hat! Oh and believe me, he will steal your identity from you as quickly as he can.
Discovering your true identity, our God-given stamp of approval, can be very challenging when you have believed lies for so long. I find my mind full of cobwebs as I try to navigate finding the truth. This may take a while. It may take a life-time. It will for certain take Jesus' help. As I start my search I guess the best place to start is here:
I am made in the image, the likeness of God;
I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
I was made for such a time as this;
I am a temple of the Holy Spirit;
God not only loves me... He likes me.
Time to find what the enemy stole!
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