Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fasting On Purpose - Live to Intercede

I want to talk a little about a new addition to my blog. On the right side bar I have uploaded The Joshua Project's Unreached People of the Day.

This month I have invited you to fast something on purpose for a purpose.  One fast I proposed was fasting time spent watching TV or being on the computer and using that time to pray.  Specifically, pray for unreached people groups around the world and pray that God will send missionaries to these people groups.

The Joshua Project is an amazing resource to use in praying for the nations and the thousands of unreached people groups around the world.  The Joshua Project lists every country and the people groups within that country who are considered unreached or least reached.  Each day a different people group is presented along with information about them, resources available in their language, cultural information, and prayer points.  All of which help to better pray for the people and for those sent to share the gospel with them.

I receive The Joshua Project's Unreached People of the Day in email format every day.  This way when I wake up in the morning to have my quiet time I can open my email and read the profile of the people group of the day and know how to pray for them.

Another thing I have committed myself to praying for everyday is for God to send out laborers (missionaries) to every unreached people group in our world.  I am partnering in prayer with TheCall and the Antioch Center's Ekballo Fast.  Every day I pray the very words of Jesus in Matthew 9:37-38, Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”  

As a missionary I have committed to taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. I long to see God raise up more people who will commit themselves to going to the ends of the earth to share the love and hope of Jesus.  I pray that God will call forth His laborers, His messengers and send them into the nations!  I pray that those who have heard the call to go will boldly proclaim, "Here I am! Send me!"

Join me.  Join me in praying Jesus' prayer.  Join me in proclaiming the good news to every nation, tribe, people and tongue.  Join me in living to intercede.  

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