Tuesday, May 21, 2013


This morning it was my turn to share a short devotion with the class.  The last time was simple to write because if flowed from my heart onto paper using my mother tongue.  That devotion had many words unlike to one from today!  You can read that devotion here.  This time however, I had to share in French.  Yep.  French and only French.

What?  Am I in French school or something?!  This is cra-zzzy.  With a capital C!  

Since I talk a lot about French, school, and the stress of learning a new language, here on my blog... I thought I would give you a peek into what that actually looks like.  I uploaded the short message I gave in class for you to watch.

***For my French speaking friends who watch this... yes there are mistakes and yes my pronunciation needs work! :)

Thank you for all of your prayers and your encouragement along this journey!  My progress is slow but it is coming!

In case you would like to know what I'm actually saying, I have a version of my message in English below the video.  This is not a word for word translation as many of the sentiments can't easily be translated from English to French. 


Hello!  This morning, I have a small message I want to share with you all.  I want to share from my favorite Psalm - Psalm 27, verses 4 and 14.  Psalm 27:4, 14

I want to be like David – to above all else ask and seek after constant communion with God.  I so often live my life running after so many other things – happiness, comfort, success, ministry, etc.  Only to come to the end of myself and remember I was made for ONE THING.
The greatest commandment we are given as believers as stated in Mark 12:30-31 is to Love the Lord our God with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength.

David desired to KNOW God, to KNOW His beauty.  David desired to live every moment of every day with God.  This was the closest thing to his heart.

As missionaries we will probably live in many different places.  For all of us here in this class, our lives will be lived, for at least a season, in Africa.  But I believe more than God wants us to live in Africa, He wants us to “live” in His temple.  Taking time to gaze at His beauty.  Taking time to KNOW Him.  Taking time to Love Him.

There is a reason God said, Love me FIRST and then love your neighbor.  When our hearts are found in God and full of God, we can love our neighbor!

We are all in a season of waiting.  I don’t know about you, but I tend to grow weary in the waiting.  I forget to keep my gaze on the beauty of Jesus.  I forget what I DO KNOW about God.  My heart grows faint.

God knows this in fact He knew this before He created me!  In this Psalm David reminds us to wait for the Lord!  Be Strong!  Let our courage be strengthened!
Why?  Because, He is good!

Let's pray.  Father, thank you for this day.  Thank you for your everlasting love!  This morning, we ask that your peace and your grace would fill our hearts.  We ask you to help us learn French.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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