About a week ago, it was screaming at me from the shelf. I picked it up and... mind blown! Not kidding. This book is A-Mazing.
I want to share two segments that I read today that got me. I read it and wanted to stand up and cheer loudly with a bold Amen. It is so helpful to read words that describe what my heart feels. To read them and not feel crazy or like I'm over-reaching or be perceived as naive.
"... Do we strive for reconciliation? Of course, for we are "ministers of reconciliation"!
We must do our best to preach the gospel, to find cures for malaria, and to foster affordable housing. But part of our striving is also to fall on our knees every day and pray, "Lord, be merciful to me and to my friend here, because we are both sinners." And part of our striving means praying every day, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven, for without You we cannot fix our communities, our nations, and our world.""
Under the heading People and Processes, Not Projects and Products
"We [Mark, Allan, and Susan] decided to relocate to an inner-city neighborhood - not to change it or save it, but to be neighbors and to learn the agenda of the community and to live on the terms set by our neighbors... We held tightly to a commitment of God's shalom for Sandtown, but we had no plans or programs. Instead of imposing our own agendas, we sought to place our lives in service to the community... For over two years we weren't working to renovate houses, we were out and around the community, "hanging out."... During this time the foundational relationships of the church were formed... Everything revolved around building community together. So during the summer, for example, at least once a month all of us would pile into a couple of van s and go to a park for a picnic.
We would go downtown and sometimes take trips to other cities. Community came through having fun together, sharing our lives, and learning to be followers of Christ together"
I haven't finished the book yet but it is already changing me. If you want to one day work with people living in poverty or already are... I absolutely recommend you get this book and read it!!!!!
When Helping Hurts, How to Alleviate Poverty without Hurting the Poor... and Yourself by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert
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