Monday, February 10, 2014

in the beginning

Oh the complexities of this place, this beautiful continent, this wonderful country, this amazing city that is now my home.

In the two days I have been in Bamako I have so many thoughts and feelings going through my head and heart.  It has been everything I expected and absolutely nothing I expected.  So, my first 2 days here have taught me to throw away every expectation.  I have a feeling having expectations here will be quick death to my soul.

This is not a bad thing.  I think it is a God thing. 

I had a thought before coming to Mali that once I got here I would know what I am supposed to do.  While I do believe that with time God will show me what His plans are for me, I also believe now I may never know exactly anything.  I mean come on... I can barely communicate with the vast majority of people!!!  

This place is complicated yet simple.  I am complicated and desire to become simple.

This week will be filled with orientation to the team, to the city, to the field.  Meeting people and getting to know this place I now call home.  I am excited!  I am nervous!  I have a feeling this week will be a bit overwhelming but when is moving to another country, entering a new culture, and trying to speak a new language not overwhelming!?!? 

As I sit here in my little temporary apartment, listening to people speaking French and Bambara outside my window, brushing dust off my computer for the 100th time I still can't believe I am here.  So often in life dreams don't come true.  I know so many people who live their whole lives dreaming of things that never come to fruition.  God planted a [seemingly wild and crazy] dream in my heart at a young age... not only did He plant it, He continued to water it for years.  He never let the dream die!  Even when it seemed impossible, He did not let the little seed die within me.

I am living my dream.  And this dream scares me like crazy!  But I couldn't imagine not living it out!

Forget everything I have told you up till this point... I knew nothing and you know what... it's ok!  Here's to a journey of learning and mistake making and growing and stretching and attempting to follow Christ with grace and love :)    

1 comment:

  1. Your post brings a smile to my heart and my face!
    I've only been on the field, as a missionary, about 2 months, and know exactly what you are saying! It is awesome and wonderful and learning two languages is a trip all in itself! But God is good and there is no better place than the center of His will.
    Praying wonderful blessings on your new life and it's many adventures! Enjoy His presence in every moment.
    With His Heart,
