Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tattoos and Jesus

In the eyes of many the two do not go together. I disagree. I have tattoos and I LOVE Jesus. They go together believe me.

I have written a few posts about my tattoos. You can read them here and here. I have 7. My tattoos have meaning, they are seriously thought out and mean a great deal to me. They are a part of me and I'm glad I have them.

But I am well aware tattoos carry a stigma. People see tattoos and think: gang member, drug addict, trashy, prison time, etc. I do not fit any of those. I'm not in a gang. I'm not a drug addict. I don't think I'm trashy. I've never spent time in prison. I dress oddly, yes, but that's another topic.

People stare and you know, I've just gotten used to it. I don't mind in the least if people ask what they mean or why I have them. But the judgmental stares are painful. The sting has lessened with time though. However, what hurts the most is the fact that people actually think that my having tattoos lessens my love for Jesus and hinders ministry.

There is a picture circulating around facebook. I saw it and wanted to cry. I do not know the church that put this up and I am not going to try to find out. But I will say this... if we wonder why people in my generation leave the church... this is one great example:

There is much more I could say about this topic. But I want to say this: If a person has tattoos don't assume they are bad, rebellious, a freak, what not. One of the things I love about my tattoos are the many opportunities I have to share Jesus with people through them. I can share about my struggle with depression and the hope I found in Jesus. About baptism. About Faith. Or I can share with people who He is in my life and the reason I choose to live a certain way. And because of them I get to speak life, love and hope over people who may never step foot in a church.

So I encourage you to ask people about their tattoos. But if you do, be willing to listen! Some of what you hear may not be pretty, but what an incredible opportunity to love them where they're at and share the love of Jesus with them.

Jesus ABSOLUTELY loves people with tattoos. I am one of them. And dang proud of it.


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